Giants: Who Really Rules The World?

In this episode, Abby Martin looks at the reality of global power. We might think that politicians have the ultimate authority, but are they little more than front men? Could it be that behind the political showmen and women are the kingmakers who get to decide who does what and when? If this is so, […]

Far-right Extremism In The USA

There has much discussion of late concerning the emergence of the far right in the USA as a force to be reckoned with. Sadly, it would appear that this political position has always been to the fore in US politics, but under various guises that made it less noticeable. The US military and agencies such […]

UN Report Released On Israeli Sniper Murders Of Palestinian Children

Originally posted on Rebel Voice:
Israeli soldiers hiding behind bunkers and using long-range sniper rifles have intentionally murdered 35 children, paramedics, journalists and disabled people during its ongoing assault against Palestinian civilian protestors along the Gaza border, a report released by the United Nations concluded this week. The UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) said that…

The Empire Files – Trump’s Expansion of The US Empire

Originally posted on Rebel Voice:
There should be no doubts, at least among those with a clear understanding of global politics, that the United States of America is an Empire. It has every indicator of this political state and shows no signs of stopping its current path of attempted global domination. Many analysts and commentators…

Wikileaks – Why The World Should Be Grateful To This Truth Site

Julian Assange has been arrested by the UK Metropolitan Police today, Thursday, 11th April. This action was carried out at the invitation of the government of Ecuador who removed his immunity. The President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, is widely considered to be a puppet of the US Federal regime. He revoked Assange‘s diplomatic protection stating […]

US Empire Expanding Its Global Ambitions

It’s unfortunate that Rebel Voice feels it necessary to highlight the growing but consistent imperialism as perpetrated by the US Empire. Although the US got off to a bad start as a nation, built upon ethnic cleansing and genocide as it was, it could eventually have proved a role model for democracy and progressive society. […]

Russia Holds Large-scale Military Drills

When nations conduct military drills, they are not just testing their own capabilities and improving unit cohesion, they are also sending out a message to those who might challenge them. Russia has just held a large-scale military drill which was designed to proclaim their readiness to take on the United States of America. This comes […]

New Zealand Terrorist Attack – The Israeli Connection

The atrocities that took place in Christchurch, New Zealand, when an Australian terrorist murdered 50 Muslims during prayer has been widely reported. Many reasons for the killings have been mooted, but little attention has been given to the Israel connection. The terrorist who committed the attacks, and there is a strongly held belief that he […]