Kids Caught Doing Really Kind Things

Here is a selection of clips where some of the children in our too cynical world demonstrate to the adults what it means to be a good person. Perhaps, if these youngsters go on to be community and national leaders, there will be hope for us all. If you enjoyed this, please share it with […]

10 True Stories To Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Our world can be a cold and cynical place at times. War, death, poverty, abuse, greed, selfishness and pain is prevalent in every nation, and the much reported globe is covered by media with an agenda. Sadly, suffering and pain sells copies of newspapers. Yet, in this sequence of clips, we get to see how […]

Children Who Came To The Resuce

Here is a compilation of heartwarming events when young people and children act to save others from harm. It demonstrates the inherent decency that exists in our children. It also tells us that there is hope for our species. If you enjoyed this, please share it with others